Goal 1:
Leadership & Innovation
Students are innovative, ethical, problem-solvers able to lead and manage through communication, collaboration, and reflection.
I.a. Students are able to evaluate critically, reflect, and problem-solve individually as well as collaboratively.
LIS6511 - Collection Development Group Project - Needs Assessment
My group worked together to create a Collection Needs Assessment and Collection Development Policy for our (fictional) Green Apple County Public Library system, a mid-sized library system based on a mashup of Orange County, FL and Green Bay, WI. Our group had standing Teams meetings every Sunday evening at 7pm throughout the semester, which we used to talk through the project requirements, assign ourselves tasks and even edit the Canva piece together in real-time. My teammates were knowledgeable and engaged, making this the best group project I'd ever worked on.
I.b. Students demonstrate effective communication skills.
UWF Argo IR Commons Brochure John C. Pace Library at UWF
UWF University Libraries were in the process of growing their Institutional Repository of scholarly works from UWF's current and past faculty members and needed to create excitement around their efforts. I was tapped to communicate this message by creating a brochure to explain the purpose and benefits of the IR and encourage staff and students to post their scholarly output and increase the discoverability of their work.
I.c. Students participate in professional and community engagement activities in the field.
Co-curricular - Volunteer experience with USF's own Dr. Cora Dunkley at CURED (Cuddle Up and Read Everyday) 7th Annual Fun Day event, making crafts with children of all ages as a local athlete and children's author Johnny Rutledge read from his book Math & Football. This was a fun, busy day, where I got the chance to work with dozens of kids and their families to make crafts and talk about books and sports. This experience helped me understand how important outreach is to libraries and the communities they serve.
I.d. Students demonstrate leadership skills and innovation in a diverse and global environment.
Co-curricular Activity - Pasco County Libraries Adult Literacy Services Tutor
The New River branch of Pasco County Libraries is the first to engage in a new Adult Literacy Services program and I am fortunate to be in their first class of new tutors. We had a 6-hour training with a wonderful teacher/librarian named Jan Demers and now I attend 90-minute "Conversation Corners" several times a month on Saturdays. We use teaching aids and workbooks to help our drop-in learners at whatever level they need. I'm proud and excited to be helping real learners improve their skills in a library environment.